Value stocks don’t always get the proper respect in every market season but people often migrate to them when confidence gets shaken enough. If the roller coaster ride of the past week+ is not enough to rattle some market participants, I’m not sure what would do the trick.
My personal portfolio rose some across these very recent market dive and partial recovery days. This prompts me to believe that deep value was being sought and perhaps deep value will gain more of the market’s attention in days to come. We’ll see.
As to what’s next, there surely is much uncertainty at the moment. I rather doubt the volatility is over. If commodities can find a bottom and stabilize, that would likely contribute to overall market stability.
And what will the Fed do next? Don’t you wonder if the Fed is behind the scenes going “she loves me, she loves me not” relative to its upcoming decision over raising rates?
Go here for a recent commentary on the matter of the Fed’s upcoming decision.
Have a good week, friends.
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