Hey Friends,
We live in chaotic times, don’t we? Times like these can cause deep soul searching. There is no price that can represent the value of inward peace. We all need the peace of God. It only comes from having peace with God through knowing Jesus Christ. It can’t be bought with all the world’s riches or its wisdom.
Consider the words of Jesus in the gospel of John, chapter 14, vs. 27, spoken to his disciples before Jesus’s hour arrived to face the cruel cross to pay the debt of our sin:
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” (NLT Bible)
These words of Jesus are as true and relevant today as they were then. Consider another scripture, Philippians 4:7-8 where the apostle Paul writes:
“6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NIV Bible)
Jesus spoke His soothing truth in John 14 (quoted above) to his disciples (followers). An apostle of Jesus, namely Paul, reiterated the promise of supernatural peace to Jesus’s followers at Phillipi in Philippians 4 (quoted above).
I’ve professed many times here my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. My heart indeed becomes deeply troubled from time to time. But I’ve found Jesus to be absolutely true to His Word. When I turn to Him in faith, heeding his admonition not to be anxious but rather to cast my care on Him in prayer, time after time He has overwhelmed me with His incomprehensible peace amid the storms of life that seem to be shaking me to my core. Jesus is true to His Word!!
If you’ve never put your faith in Jesus Christ, thereby becoming His follower, please consider His simple yet profound guarantee concerning eternal life in an often quoted verse from John, chapter 3, vs. 16:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV Bible)
Anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ alone as God’s gift (sacrifice) for his or her sin becomes the recipient of eternal life and then can know God’s peace each day.
Today’s post reflects my thankfulness for each of you and earnest desire for you to know the restful peace of God that presides over whatever befalls our lives. I’m praying for God to bless your lives and will continue to do so. I appreciate deeply your friendship and support over these years since my book was released.
Thank you, dear friends.
Hello, Paul –
Thank you for these verses. They give fuller meaning and definition to verses in the passage that was my reading last night, John 20:18-21. In it, the Lord appears to his disciples after his resurrection. His first words to them were “Peace be to you,” not once but twice, for emphasis. In this increasingly confused, cacophonous world, his words are profoundly soothing and calming.
Ken, thanks so much for the reply. We can surely encourage one another with jointly trusting in His words of truth. May God bless you!
Paul, I appreciate the wisdom that comes form the pages of your posts. Your wisdom comes from above!
Thank you.
Rick Friend
He is worthy and His Word is wisdom to us. These are uncertain days that try us but God is able to sustain. I pray that all goes well with you and your family, Rick. Your words are appreciated. God is good! May He bless you.