
Absolute Security!

Hey Friends. Wow! Anyone observing the stock market over the recent past has likely experienced dizzy spells. While major indices have trended down into correction territory, intraday moves have often literally been akin to the movements of a yo-yo. […]

January 29th, 2022|Jesus Christ, security, uncertainty|4 Comments

Being Secure in a World that Lacks Security

I hope you are well this Saturday, friends.

I surely don’t need to offer a laundry list of online links to persuade anyone of the uncertainties that surround us all today. We live in such uncertain days. I’m thankful the Lord God is a refuge of spiritual rest and calm to whom one can turn amid the storms of life. […]

July 16th, 2016|God, security|2 Comments

Genuine Security

I hope this post tonight finds each of you doing well. It seems hard to believe that summer has already passed and fall has come.

These are interesting economic times. For example, we are all witnessing a continuation of depressed pricing in the world of commodities. Is this primarily driven by hedge fund activity? Is this primarily driven by declining “real” world-wide demand? Is this somehow a result of the ultra-low interest rate environment and the accompanying flood of newly-printed money? Where are things headed, economically speaking, tomorrow, next year and for people of future generations? I believe such issues are certainly worthy of consideration but while we can speculate, we have no hard answers for such questions and we all need a sense of complete security each and every day toward our futures. The uncertainty of day to day issues can beneficially serve to turn our attention toward God and what He has to say to us about real security. […]

September 27th, 2015|God, Jesus Christ, security|6 Comments