
Quality Checks

Hey Friends,

There’s no real risk assessment without balance sheet analysis. My book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” presents two quality checks to aid in analyzing the health of the balance sheet. These checks are the Adjusted Current Ratio (ACR) and the Adjusted Tangible Stockholders’ Equity (ATSE).  […]

April 6th, 2019|Balance Sheet, quality assessment|2 Comments

Buy Low, Sell Higher

Hey friends. My book, Choose Stocks Wisely, reflects my attempt to define a low stock price using the balance sheet as the primary tool. The book does not discuss “selling high.” When to sell is the more difficult judgment call to make as it rests more on future prospects than it does on the present substance of equity as defined by the balance sheet. […]

March 23rd, 2019|Balance Sheet, Equity, value investing|0 Comments

Good Blog Post Comment, and “Pardon Me”

I just received a very good comment to yesterday’s post from a reader. It is worth a look. All I could say in my reply was “AMEN!”

Since I wanted to draw attention to that comment, please allow me to also take this opportunity to apologize for my carelessness in proofing yesterday’s post. I really do know when to use “you’re” versus “your.”😊😉

Have a great week, friends.

March 10th, 2019|blog comment|2 Comments

Choose Stocks Wisely Seminars

Greetings friends. Remember tonight as your heading for bed to set your clocks forward as Daylight Savings time for 2019 has arrived. I don’t know about you but I love having that extra hour of light before darkness sets in to close out the day.

Mississippi State University, Meridian Campus will host two “Choose Stocks Wisely” seminars, the first later this month and the second will be in April. The first seminar will introduce the balance sheet approach to valuation of an equity security while the second will focus on how to conduct research on specific companies. Go here to read about the upcoming events. […]

March 9th, 2019|seminars, Stock, value investing|2 Comments

Interesting Article: History Does Repeat Itself

I hope my post today finds you well. Spring is just around the corner. In fact, Daylight Saving Time returns two weeks from now. For many, it’s been a pretty cold winter and some warmer weather will be welcome.

A friend sent me an article (published in 2013) this past week. Perhaps you will recognize it. It’s very interesting and may explain why we can sometimes find very low-priced quality companies that seem to persist for longer than they should at undervalued prices. Go here to read this article titled “The secret strategy from the 1930s that hedge funders don’t want you to know about.”

See you next time.

February 23rd, 2019|hedge funds|4 Comments

“And God Said”

Hey Friends. I hope you’re doing well.

You know, we live in days where we are constantly reading about people accusing each other of this or that where both parties believe they are right and the other is wrong. What is the absolute truth? […]

February 9th, 2019|Bible, Jesus Christ, Truth|4 Comments

The Basics of Sound Money Management

Many of the things written in my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” with regard to proper risk analysis of companies are simply the things that are required where sound personal money management is evidenced. Today, I’ll share some thoughts toward making sound monetary decisions. The following list of financial practices can aid in avoiding money troubles and conversely lead to financial stability and opportunity to assist with needs of others: […]

January 25th, 2019|debt, Liquidity, savings|2 Comments

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Hey Friends,

The year 2019 is underway. We have seen major turbulence in the stock market for several months now. After a steep move downhill ended abruptly the day after Christmas, we’ve seen a steep move up since that time. Go here to read one author’s viewpoint on the market activity.

A great jobs report came out last Friday followed immediately by more dovish remarks from the Fed with regard to what’s next for interest rates. The Fed’s task is becoming more and more tenuous because the national debt is growing at an unsustainable rate while we’ve been in an extended period of economic growth. The Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, is concerned about what’s going on with our national debt (Go here). […]

Happy New Year!! 2019 and the Stock Market

Hey friends,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, enjoying time with those you hold dear and celebrating the birthday of the Lord Jesus Christ. And Happy New Year!

Wow, the last several weeks in the stock market have been the wild west, haven’t they? Some say we’re in a bear market now. Others say it’s a major correction. A technical indicator of a bear market is a 20 percent decline in major indices from their highs. This has occurred in the Dow Jones, S&P, and Nasdaq indices. However, some attributes of a typical bear market, economy-wise, are not present at this juncture. […]

December 29th, 2018|bear market, market correction|2 Comments

Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas! I hope this greeting finds you doing well. Isn’t it hard to believe that it’s almost Christmas? Today I’m going to share a Scripture with you below that is a wonderful passage. God took on flesh and came into the world over 2000 years ago to save a sinner like me. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! […]

December 15th, 2018|Christmas, Jesus Christ|4 Comments