
Earnings That Count

Recently I became acquainted online with Hewitt Heiserman Jr. In a gentleman’s manner, he wrote me a very gracious and encouraging note concerning my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely.”

Hewitt is very accomplished and distinguished in the world of investing, and is often referenced. He has been quoted in, The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, CBS MarketWatch, Business 2.0, Better Investing, The Motley Fool, Complete Growth Investor, Barron’s, and the Haverford Trust Company Adviser. […]

Quite a Week in Stocks

This week’s stock market reminded me of a squirrel crossing the road in front of an on-coming car, darting back and forth trying to decide which way to go next. Greece, China, the NYSE — yes, it was quite a week. […]

July 11th, 2015|China, Greece, NYSE|2 Comments

Happy Birthday America

I wish a Happy 4th to all. If my math is correct, it has been 239 years since the Declaration of Independence, the time we officially declared our independence from Britain. Freedom is never free and should never be taken for granted.

God has surely blessed our land and its people. May we look to Him each day to keep us free and grant us wisdom.

Again, I wish you a happy 4th of July as we pause to remember our nation’s heritage.


July 3rd, 2015|freedom, God|0 Comments


Friends, I am a blessed man. The world often debates the person of God. Yet His amazing handiwork is all around us. The first chapter of Romans in the New Testament of the Bible tells us that the works of God’s Hand in creation are evident to all. Seeing the sun rise and take its place and then slip away to allow for nightfall can be witnessed by every man, woman and child, regardless of where they live in our vast world. […]

June 26th, 2015|Father's Day, Jesus Christ|3 Comments

Some Say a Lack of Liquidity Could Unhinge Bond Markets

You may have recently read the remarks of J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon with regard to his view that a Treasury bond shortage will exacerbate any future economic crisis. Dimon’s view was echoed by former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. Go here and here to read more about Dimon’s concerns over the potential threats posed by a lack of liquidity. […]

June 19th, 2015|trading liquidity|0 Comments

Accounting For Value

Recently, I mentioned that I would refer to a couple of significant books that you might want to read if you have not already. The title of my post today is actually the title of one of the books. It is written by Stephen Penman and published by Columbia Business School. […]

Trading for Profits While Investing (Part II)

Continued from last week’s post (note, I’ll only provide a “couple” of applications to the meaning of taking a profit if you believe a stock might take a turn for the worse): […]

June 6th, 2015|core shares, trading shares|2 Comments

Trading for Profits While Investing (Part I)

While I still have plans to post some about themes from a couple of other books in the not-too-distant future, I decided today to address a question I received yesterday. A good friend, Steve, shared an older article with me, yet an article that is no less relevant today than when written. Go here to read that article. […]

Question Received About Oil Stock Investing

Since oil has been down (bouncing back some recently), there has been keen interest in finding deep value among the oil stocks. Very recently, I received a question from a reader of my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” who wondered if my strategy could be tweaked based on the industry sector. […]


I hope you’ve had a good past week! I’ve learned from many books in my life, but never have I learned what I’ve gained from the Bible. […]

May 16th, 2015|Bible, Investing, Wisdom|2 Comments