
Genuine Security

I hope this post tonight finds each of you doing well. It seems hard to believe that summer has already passed and fall has come.

These are interesting economic times. For example, we are all witnessing a continuation of depressed pricing in the world of commodities. Is this primarily driven by hedge fund activity? Is this primarily driven by declining “real” world-wide demand? Is this somehow a result of the ultra-low interest rate environment and the accompanying flood of newly-printed money? Where are things headed, economically speaking, tomorrow, next year and for people of future generations? I believe such issues are certainly worthy of consideration but while we can speculate, we have no hard answers for such questions and we all need a sense of complete security each and every day toward our futures. The uncertainty of day to day issues can beneficially serve to turn our attention toward God and what He has to say to us about real security. […]

September 27th, 2015|God, Jesus Christ, security|6 Comments

Economic Accountability

I’m teaching a governmental accounting course this term at FSU Panama City. State and local governments use something called “funds” to track the source and use of resources involved with carrying out governmental activities. You’ve likely heard of terminology like the “General Fund” before, for example. The objective of accounting for governmental activity is to achieve “fiscal” accountability. […]

Accrual Accounting

Accrual accounting is an important concept to investors’ understanding of earnings. Since earnings drive stock prices, understanding something about how earnings are measured is surely relevant to investing in common stocks. Accrual accounting is the basis by which earnings are measured under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). […]

September 11th, 2015|accounting numbers, Balance Sheet, earnings, Investing|0 Comments

War Room

My wife and I saw a very good Christian movie this week called “War Room.” Without revealing the nuts and bolts of the movie, the war room refers to an elderly Christian lady’s prayer closet. It is a very encouraging film.

I’m going to pause from posting this weekend but wanted to wish you all a happy Labor Day weekend. Time spent with family and friends is very precious as this earthly life goes by quickly. So, I wish you meaningful time and conversation with those you love.

Next week, I plan to write a post dealing with the topic of “accrual accounting.”

May God bless you.

September 4th, 2015|Labor Day|3 Comments

What’s Next

Value stocks don’t always get the proper respect in every market season but people often migrate to them when confidence gets shaken enough. If the roller coaster ride of the past week+ is not enough to rattle some market participants, I’m not sure what would do the trick. […]

August 28th, 2015|market volatility, value investing|0 Comments

From MSU to FSU

What a brutal couple of days in the stock market to close out this week! I guess there were a myriad of reasons colluding to tell the market it was the time to correct and do so quickly. It’s definitely a time to be cautious and to “Choose Stocks Wisely.”


August 21st, 2015|market correction|4 Comments

There Is A Way That Seems Right….

Spending time in the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament of the Bible, I’ve noted the following statement is made in both Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25: […]

August 15th, 2015|death and life, Jesus Christ|2 Comments


Recently, I’ve been writing about collapsing commodity prices relative to the potentially devastating negative impact on the “Investment” component of national and global economic measures of economic health. I’m certainly not enough of an expert to even start to try to assemble all the moving parts in terms of economic impact and, in turn the stock market. However, it’s got me confused enough to personally think about being far more conservative about my stock investments. […]

Commodity Concerns Follow-up

I don’t know about you but rarely do I refer back to something I’ve already read like a blog post. Please let me encourage you to read the comments under the most recent post, “Commodity Concerns.” […]

July 27th, 2015|commodity stocks|0 Comments

Commodity Concerns

Let me start this post today by showing a comment received from Hewitt Heiserman following last week’s post on  Heiserman’s book, “It’s Earnings That Count.”

“Dear Dr. Allen –

Thank you for the generous review. As you know, I am a big fan of your book, and your investing track record is a testament to the quality of your book’s advice.

If Bill (above) or any other readers want a free copy of a presentation I have given to many groups, “Ben Graham and the Growth Investor,” e-mail me at, and I am happy to send you a copy. This presentation has many powerful ideas to improve your analytic skills.



July 25th, 2015|commodity stocks, value investing|3 Comments