
Tech is Booming Again

I’m wondering how many of you that well remember the tech boom at the turn of the century think a similar situation is forming, at least among some key tech stocks driving the Nasdaq today. […]

June 10th, 2017|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Memorial Day Weekend Thoughts

Friends, this post extends my best wishes for each of you to have a good weekend and Memorial Day. While our world is in a volatile state, our military has consistently stood ready to give life and limb for our freedoms. So, we rightfully stop amid our busy lives to carefully and purposely remember the ones who have died in an effort to keep us safe and free. I want to express my humble and heart-felt appreciation to all families who are living today without a beloved family member who paid for my freedom with the loss of life. May God encourage you and bless you as we remember.

May 27th, 2017|Memorial Day|0 Comments

Multiple Choice Accounting for Expenses

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) include a multitude of options for writing off balance sheet assets. All assets are eventually written off except for land. It’s the only asset viewed as having an “infinite” life. […]

Due North

Wow, this bull stock market has just headed due north since the election, hasn’t it? One record is broken and another set with regularity. I know this doesn’t sound too positive, but it’s starting to remind me a bit of the year 2000 when stock prices were receiving full benefit of a doubt. […]

April 28th, 2017|bull market, Trump tax cuts|3 Comments

New Life Abounds

Hey friends. Happy Good Friday and Easter!

It’s springtime again in the U.S. of A. My wife and I love to go on long walks. This time of year, God’s creation just shouts of new life. Trees, shrubs, flowers and on and on just explode into vibrant colors, full of new life following winter. […]

April 14th, 2017|Easter, Jesus Christ, New life|8 Comments

Investing in Negative Equity

Hi friends. This week, I’ll share a back and forth with a friend who wrote me from Nigeria with a good question concerning investing in stocks of companies with negative equity on the balance sheet. The quoted portion of this post today can also be found in the commentary to one of my blog posts at this website from the fall of 2014. […]

April 1st, 2017|financial leverage, negative equity|2 Comments

Property, Plant, and Equipment

Hi friends. In my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” I tell some personal stock investing success stories and some horror stories. The disappointing experiences shared focus on my ventures into a couple of dry bulk shipping companies. These were some significant losses taken and I learned a lesson I attempted to write about via telling of the experiences with dry bulk shipping investments. Dry bulk shippers had been going gangbusters but when I bought, they were in a period of declining demand. So, the great value I saw in the balance sheet numbers of these shipping companies was not real because the book value of the main asset, namely ships, was vastly overstated on the balance sheet. […]

Dow Jones Index at 21,000; What’s Next?

Hello friends. As you know the stock market has sky-rocketed since the election and set a record pace in advancing the DJI from 20,000 to 21,000 in 24 trading days. So, what’s next? […]

March 4th, 2017|Dow Jones Index, investor sentiment|5 Comments

Value Plus Catalyst Is Desirable Combination

Hey friends. My book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” addresses blending earnings with the balance sheet equity to derive a proxy for low price. In a nutshell, deep value plus an earnings catalyst often result in the most favorable outcomes. […]

February 17th, 2017|catalyst, earnings, Equity|0 Comments

Be Encouraged, My Friends

In God’s Word, we read these words in I Thessalonians chapter 5, vs. 11:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” […]

February 4th, 2017|Bible, Encouraging promises, Jesus Christ|6 Comments