Dr. Paul W. Allen

About Dr. Paul W. Allen

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So far Dr. Paul W. Allen has created 295 blog entries.

When “Value” Doesn’t Matter Anymore — Don’t be Fooled!

Hey Friends,

I hope you’re doing well and in good health. I’ll let the article (sent to me recently by a very dear friend) and linked herein do the job of giving meaning to the title of today’s post. Please go here to read the article. […]

A Plug for Choose Stocks Wisely

Hey Friends,

Promotion is not my thing when it comes to trying to sell myself. But I decided to put in a plug for my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” today. The commentary is due to heightened concern over the uncertainty of what’s ahead for our economy. […]

September 26th, 2020|Balance Sheet, Liquidity, quality assessment, solvency|2 Comments

Stay Liquid

Hey Friends.

From a money management perspective, the title of this post befits the moment. In my view, we are in a particular time where being oriented toward cash positions seems sensible. A national election is fast approaching and since the political parties are of such differing views on virtually every aspect of governing, including economic oversight, the uncertainty is almost palpable. […]

September 5th, 2020|Balance Sheet, cash from operations, Liquidity|2 Comments

A Paper-Driven Stock Market

Hey friends. I don’t know about you but my thinking is that we are becoming more and more a paper-driven stock market. The money printing press has been running hard for years as the U.S. debt goes ever higher. […]

God is in Charge

The world seems more chaotic by the minute. But God isn’t wringing His hands.

Amid the current pandemic and seemingly never-ending finger-pointing, there is certainty with God alone. My simple post today is intended to encourage you. A go-to scripture in my life is found in Proverbs, chapter 1, vs. 33.  It says:

“but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.” (NIV, Bible) […]

July 18th, 2020|Bible, God's Promises|9 Comments


Hey Friends,

I’m not sure I remember a time where macro uncertainty was more pronounced. Such uncertainties include: […]

A Follow-Up to Yesterday’s Post on “Looks” Like a V-Shaped Recovery

If you read my post yesterday, I hope you could read between the lines my personal skepticism toward what “looks” like a V-shaped recovery on stock charts of major indices. I’m following up today because a reader of the post wrote an excellent comment to that post. Please take a look at his comment below yesterday’s post. See you next time.

June 6th, 2020|Stock market, Warren Buffett|4 Comments

Looks Like a V-Shaped Recovery

Hey Friends,

From a recession/bear market just over a couple of months ago to the Nasdaq setting its all time high today — who would have imagined it? The job report today was a major surprise, for sure. Go here to read about one very interesting observation on the “much better than expected” report. […]

June 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|2 Comments

What Does an Investor Do Next?

Hey Friends,

Given that none of us have navigated waters quite like the present pandemic before, what does an investor do next? How does one assess risk? How does one assign probabilities toward forecasting outlook(s)? […]

May 16th, 2020|pandemic, Warren Buffett|0 Comments

What Can One Make of This Stock Market?

Hey Friends. I hope my post finds you in good health. Surely, we are all more than ready to see this virus storm lift. I’m in my 60s now and none of my friends, even those who are 90 or older, recall a time like now. […]

April 25th, 2020|COVID-19, Stock market|2 Comments