Dr. Paul W. Allen

About Dr. Paul W. Allen

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So far Dr. Paul W. Allen has created 295 blog entries.

Did You See These?

Hey friends. It’s a beautiful time of year, isn’t it? In the deep south, October boasts of little rain, warm clear days and cool crisp nights. One can sense the coming of winter and the leaving of summer. This week, I offer a brief post simply sharing a couple of attention-grabbing articles that were forwarded to me by a friend this past week shortly after they were available online. […]

October 14th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Wow, What a Stock Market!

Hey friends; this is one resilient stock market! Tech is rolling like it did in the late 1990s. It seems many cloud-based companies involved with “smart-everything” technology are seeing their stock prices charging ever higher as the companies stretch to meet strong demand while needed supplies are constrained. It has led to some stout profit margins in the “Internet of Things” (IOT) world of today. […]

September 30th, 2017|Risk, Stocks|2 Comments

Stock Investing Tips

I hope you are well today. Summer is drawing to a close and doesn’t time go by quickly!

Today, I’ll offer a few key summary tips for investing in common stocks:


September 17th, 2017|Balance Sheet, catalyst, earnings, Stock|0 Comments

Hurricane Harvey Thoughts

Labor Day weekend is seen by many as the unofficial end of summer and celebrated with family and friends at cookouts and other outdoor events. For many in Texas, this weekend will be anything but another end of summer holiday. […]

September 1st, 2017|Hurricane Harvey|0 Comments

Follow-up to yesterday’s post

If you read my post from yesterday, please take a moment and refer back to the blog post to read the comments exchange between David Turner and myself. David asked a really good question about something I stated in my post that was not explained in any detail. I attempted to offer an explanation via the comments. This brief follow-up is just to let you know about those comments. Perhaps, they might be helpful in your efforts to formulate valuation judgments relative to stock investing. Go here for the blog post (comments are at bottom).

August 20th, 2017|P/E ratio, PEG ratio|0 Comments

Good for Stock Prices; Say What??

Hi friends. Well, I read something yesterday that made me do a double-take. Go here to see what I read from Reuters. […]

August 19th, 2017|Uncategorized|8 Comments


If there was ever a time we needed to know the truth, it’s today. Many today question whether there’s any source of absolute truth. Some live as though they believe there absolutely is no absolute truth to be found. I can’t imagine living each day thinking that there’s no enduring certain source of truth in this world. Without absolute truth, what anchors a person regardless of what tomorrow may bring? […]

August 5th, 2017|Bible, Jesus Christ, Truth|2 Comments

Borrowing to Buy Back Stock

When one is analyzing larger companies, one thing to check for is whether a company is borrowing money at the same time it’s buying back company stock, either to hold as treasury shares or to retire shares. While the balance sheet will reveal the net change in debt and common stock from period (quarter) to period, it does not break the change down sufficiently for someone to understand exactly what transpired during the quarter to explain the change. […]

July 20th, 2017|debt, treasury stock|0 Comments

Happy Independence Day

As we remember our nation’s Declaration of Independence 241 years ago tomorrow, I wish each of you a safe and good fourth! Our country has enjoyed many years of freedom and I thank God for His guidance to our land. May He lead those in government who oversee the affairs of America and may He watch over those who fight to help preserve freedoms. May God, who is the author of absolute freedom found in Jesus Christ be revered and honored above all.

It will be a little over two weeks before I post next. Again, I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!!

July 3rd, 2017|Independence Day|0 Comments

Some Basic Stock Buying Questions

I wrote my book, “Choose Stocks Wisely,” to address how using the balance sheet is essential to defining quality and low price before assuming the risk of investing in common stocks. Since I’m investing the Lord’s money, it’s important to me that I try my best to mitigate unnecessary risks while allowing for opportunity to realize a good return. […]