Hey Friends. I hope you’re doing well.
You know, we live in days where we are constantly reading about people accusing each other of this or that where both parties believe they are right and the other is wrong. What is the absolute truth?
Recently, my wife, Mickie, was talking about Jesus with our 4 year old granddaughter, Sadie Grace — about how Jesus knows all about us. At one point, Sadie said, “Yes, because Jesus is the Boss.” Children can truly express things simply and succinctly.
You would think that when God says something, that would settle the matter. I’m so thankful that He has given us His Word, the Bible. During the creation account, the words “and God said” appear ten times in the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis 1.
We live in a day of seemingly growing and insurmountable problems that can appear to have no solutions. Without God’s Word being absolute, whose word is supposed to settle matters?
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. Genesis 1:3, KJV, Bible
Aren’t you glad that when God says anything, you can stake your life on it being true. I am. Spending time reading and thinking upon God’s Word, the Bible, is to go to the absolute source of Truth Himself.
See you next time.
During Lent I like to re-read the 4 gospels, thinking about how Christ’s teachings inform my view of the world and what to pray for in the months leading into Fall with the coming of Advent. Each year there is no lack of things to pray about concerning our country and the world. One particular passage stands out to me as a challenge going forward — it’s John 18:37. Pilate had just asked Jesus whether He was King of the Jews. Christ acknowledges His kingdom and that it is not of this world, and He bears witness to the truth. He also states that everyone that is of the truth hears His voice. Pilate’s response __ What is truth? So, Pilate, an educated man, could not recognize truth when it was right in front of his eyes. The inability to see and acknowledge truth is a condition we should avoid at all costs. Reading God’s Word and being led by the Holy Spirit is an essential ingredient to understanding and identifying truth.
Amen!! Thanks for that insightful comment. Jesus told us that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that the only way to the Father is by Him. Thanks be to God!
Brings to mind the verse in Psalms 8:2 – out of the mouth of babes…
Yes, God has ordained strength from the mouths of babes because of His enemies as that verse states.