Most have heard and sung the words of John Newton’s “Amazing Grace.” The familiar first verse goes:

“Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
T’was blind but now I see.”

One of my favorite Bible passages is Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8 and 9:

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

The biblical meaning of grace is unmerited (or undeserved) favor and the Ephesians passage tells us that God’s salvation comes to us by His grace through our faith. Jesus, the just and holy Son of God, dying on the cross for my sin, for me, the unjust one that I might be made right with God. That’s super grace. It’s beyond mercy. God gives the one who places faith in Jesus Christ as Savior what is undeserved, namely eternal life rather than what is deserved, namely God’s judgment.

This week, there was a young man who embraced and consoled a young woman who had tragically shot his defenseless brother. His act and the entire courtroom in that moment became a visual of “grace.” There have been videos all over the internet and social media. You may or may not have seen the following one but God moved in the courtroom to display what grace looks like. I’ll share a short video next that has some background commentary. It gives an inside look and is only a few minutes long.

Jesus is God and He came to earth 2000 years ago and took on a body so He could be punished by His Father on that awful cross for my sin, for your sin. He conquered death and the grave forever as He arose on the third day. He did this that we can stand forgiven and right in His eyes and live forever. That’s Grace! For by Grace “through” Faith…..I must believe (have faith in Him) to become the recipient of His grace. I don’t deserve it but must receive it to have God’s gift of forever life. Reread the Ephesians passage above. It says it all — Amazing Grace!

May God bless you.