This post is not about stock investing. I want to share a video with you that was shared with me today. It is very moving and an uplifting story of a man’s courage and of God’s power to rescue.

You may be familiar with the story about Louis Zamperini, a distinguished American veteran of World War II. You can read here to see Wikipedia’s page on Zamperini’s life.

Zamperini went to be with the Lord this past summer on July 2 at the age of 97.

There is a movie called “Unbroken” out currently that chronicles some of Zamperini’s life. I have not seen that film yet.

The following video about Zamperini’s life, as told by Zamperini himself, is available to see online at the Billy Graham website and I share it with you today. It is just less than 30 minutes in duration but was well worth my viewing time and I believe you will agree, if you have not seen it before. The link to the video is below.